Berjaya Corporation Berhad ("BCorp")
Berjaya Corporation Berhad ("BCorp") Founder Tan Sri Dato' Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun together with his sons, Chairman & CEO of BCorp Dato' Robin Tan Yeong Ching and Executive Director of 7-Eleven Malaysia Sdn Bhd Tan U-Ming and BCorp senior management and staff.
From right: Tan Sri Dato' Seri Vincent Tan together with Dato' Robin Tan and Tan U-Ming having a closer look at an artificial limb. On the left is Mr Chiam Swee Ann, Chairman of LFL.
Stay With Me Charity Night 2016
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Kampar Campus’s Banking and Finance Society organised the ‘Stay With Me Charity Night 2016’ event.