Sponsors John Lee Sponsors John Lee

Berjaya Corporation Berhad ("BCorp")

Berjaya Corporation Berhad ("BCorp") Founder Tan Sri Dato' Seri Vincent Tan Chee Yioun together with his sons, Chairman & CEO of BCorp Dato' Robin Tan Yeong Ching and Executive Director of 7-Eleven Malaysia Sdn Bhd Tan U-Ming and BCorp senior management and staff.

From right: Tan Sri Dato' Seri Vincent Tan together with Dato' Robin Tan and Tan U-Ming having a closer look at an artificial limb. On the left is Mr Chiam Swee Ann, Chairman of LFL.

From right: Tan Sri Dato' Seri Vincent Tan together with Dato' Robin Tan and Tan U-Ming having a closer look at an artificial limb. On the left is Mr Chiam Swee Ann, Chairman of LFL.

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