The Members of the LFL Management Committee (LFLMC) for the 2022-2024 term are as follows:
Sis. Toh Su Mei, Chairperson
Bro. Lim Ah Bah
Bro. Lee Lean Hock
Sis. Cheong Pooi Wah
Bro. Danny Liew Chee Khuen, Ex-Officio
Bro. Chang Hong Yun has extended legal support to LFLMC since 2021.
LFL Prosthetic Centre continued regular clinic sessions throughout 2023, with strict COVID-19 assessment protocols in place for patients, staff and volunteers.
(including castings of 1st prostheses and re-castings of 2nd, 3rd and so forth prostheses but excluding Hip Prostheses and re-castings of sockets only)
Note: ** Made by Penang Mobile Clinic in 2016 + 2019 and currently serviced by LFLPC
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have contributed to LFLPC since 2014. The monies received have been used to provide free limbs to the underprivileged amputees regardless of their race and religion. For 2023, we would also like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to individual donors for their generous donations of items for clinic use, in particular the continued donation of Alltest Covid-19 test kits used to ensure the health and safety of all patients, staff and volunteers.
We would also like to thank all the doctors and volunteers who have served LFLPC since 2014, without whom we would not have been able to serve the Malaysian amputee community.
Collaboration with Rotary Club Shah Alam for Subang Jaya Medical Centre’s (SJMC) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme
LFLPC was invited by Rotary Club Shah Alam (RCSA) to collaborate with their programme with SJMC’s CSR department. For LFLPC, this entails the referral of SJMC’s orthopaedic patients from their CSR programme, i.e., those who require prosthetic lower limbs but are unable to afford them from the commercial sector, or unable to access assistance from government agencies or insurance companies. LFLPC was invited with other organisations to visit the relevant medical departments and meet the doctors responsible at SJMC in April 2023. The RCSA and SJMC CSR project runs from 1 December 2023 to 30 November 2024.
Visit to Prostheses Foundation, Chiang Mai
Several members of the LFL Management Committee, together with members of BUBS and Uttama Bodhi Buddhist Society (UBBS) paid a cordial visit to The Prostheses Foundation HRH The Princess Mother in Chiang Mai, who was instrumental in the setting up of LFLPC, as part of the UBBS Kathina trip to Chiang Mai on 16 November 2023. The trip was organised by UBBS and the group was received by the Foundation’s Secretary-General Clinical Professor Niwes Nantachit and his team for a genial introduction and a short tour of their facilities. With grateful appreciation to the Prostheses Foundation for hosting the visit which was aimed at fostering a closer relationship between our organisations.